Welcome to the Doctoral Symposium and Early Career Mentorship Program of the 11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies (BDCAT).
The PDF version of the BDCAT 2024 Call for Doctoral Symposium may be downloaded HERE.
The Doctoral Symposium is for PhD students to present their work in the early stages of their study. It aims to provide a safe place for PhD students to interact with their peers and receive constructive feedback from experts in their fields. PhD students, at any stage of their doctoral studies, are encouraged to submit early works aligned with the BDCAT main tracks. Submissions should be no longer than three single-paced double-column pages (including references) using the IEEE conference style template. The paper template can be found here. Submissions are advised to include the relevant subsequent headings:
  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Background and Related Work
  • Problem Statement
  • Proposed Solution/Method/etc.
  • Preliminary Results (if any)
  • Future/Planned Work


Manuscripts should be submitted via the Conference Management System
All submitted manuscripts will be evaluated based on originality, technical rigor, presentation quality, and result quality. Accepted papers will be included in conference proceedings. The authors of accepted papers may also prepare and present a poster of their work at the conference.
The Early Career Mentorship Program is for early career researchers (PostDocs and newly appointed academics) to understand the challenges in academia and develop strategies to enhance their chances in such a highly competitive environment.
The time allocated for each track will be based on the number of PhD/ECR participants, for example, (a) dedicate 30 minutes per PhD student for presentations, discussions, and future directions, and (b) dedicate 1.5 hours for general ECR training, followed by 30 minutes per ECR for individual case discussions and personalised advice.


Time zone: Anywhere in the world!
Paper Submissions Due: 20 September 2024 extended to: 10 October 2024
Acceptance Notification: 20 October 2024
Camera Ready Papers Due: 30 October 2024
